3 Ways You Can Protect Your Employees Effectively

As a business owner or leader, you likely already realize that, by taking care of your employees, they’ll work…
a person working on a laptop

As a business owner or leader, you likely already realize that, by taking care of your employees, they’ll work harder for you. If you own a business or make key decisions as a top team member in someone else’s business, there are ways you can protect employees from the stress that can slow productivity and decrease efficiency. To learn more about ways to keep employees safe, read on.

1. Physical Safety against Threats


In unconventional times, when current events can make threats to our physical safety at any time, many employers have begun using the services of Life Raft and similar programs that work to identify online and real life threats against any company or organization. A simple Google search for ‘LifeRaft‘ will point you in the right direction of a service that can help your employees to feel safe in the office, warehouse, or even at home. If you’re in the position of making decisions for your company or corporation, it’s a good idea to look into ways to protect your employees against threats and other immediate dangers.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, we’ve all learned how important keeping employees safe from getting sick is, too. By providing the right equipment and making policy changes that ensure employee safety, you’ll be putting your company in a better position for a safe environment and fewer absences.

2. Wellness Programs


When considering business management best practices that will protect your employees, you’ll also want to think about your company’s vision when it comes to wellness programs. Many business leaders are going out of their way to introduce tools and resources that will help keep employees safe and encourage healthier lifestyles.

Wellness programs come in many shapes and forms. While some include online and remote workshops and trainings, others involve changes in policy and fitness challenges. The basic idea is that, by encouraging employee fitness and wellness, employees will be more productive. From offering free mental health services to providing tools like smoking cessation resources, wellness programs can go a long way towards helping employees to feel safe or better protected.

3. Clear Goals and Incentives


Part of protecting employees is about their finances. Employees go to work regularly to earn a paycheck. While some employees may have other motivations, like personal growth or wanting to make a difference, most of the people who work for you count on their weekly paychecks. For this reason, starting a financial productivity incentive program could be a great way to encourage efficiency while letting employees know that you’re looking out for them. The reality is, the more employees are paid and if they are able to earn regular bonuses, the less stress they’ll have in managing their finances and home lives.

Maybe you lead a small team and have always believed in goal setting. By providing a financial incentive for employees who exceed expectations, you’ll be encouraging others to do the same while protecting the employees who work hardest for your business. The truth is, even a very good manager can’t do it alone, and increasing employee morale through financial incentive will protect your business, too.

At the end of the day, doing what you can to protect the employees in your small business or in your corporate culture is always a good idea. Not only will it mean employees work harder for you, but they’ll be more productive at work. Instead of experiencing anxieties about their safety or finances, knowing they have a good manager looking out for them will be an effective way to help them focus on the job. When making decisions as a business leader, establishing wellness programs, monitoring physical safety, setting clear goals and providing financial incentives are all great ways to tell your employees you’re on the same team.